August 8, 2008

Cloud Computing Basics

Cloud Computing In 3 Lines
The process from buying a computer to installing the Internet is so common that we do not realise that it is a complex process. And once we get used to it, we do not expect that it could get any easier than this. But it can, and the answer is in cloud computing.

How does the current system work?

Before we understand why cloud computing is a good alternative, let us just understand how the computer commonly works. First we buy a computer which is the hardware. But just the hardware will render the PC useless so we will need application software. There is a range of operating software available through the market such as Windows or Linux, and along with the operating software we will also need to buy the licences. And of course an Internet Connection through a service provider is absolutely essential. And through all this you will require a professional, first to assemble your computer and then to install the software and configure your computer as per requirement. And the whole process has to work every time you buy a new computer. Imagine how tedious the process will be for a company to go through the process with the number of computers in their office. What we don’t realise is the cost at each point of the process and how interdependent it is.

We can have a less complicated and easy process and this is where Cloud Computing comes into picture. In fact we happen to know and work with the predecessor of Cloud Computing. Let us say you disconnect the Internet will you still be able to use the Word or Excel sheet. Yes but if you were to disconnect the Internet and try to access the email, can we? No, because we are accessing the data through a remote server where all our email account data is exists. You use a web enabled program to access your account through various web-based email services like Hotmail, Yahoo or Gmail. Cloud Computing runs on a very similar line but a macro scale. Moreover, this will not require any new investment as it runs on all current computer devices. It will be extremely beneficial to big companies as it will be a big solution to data storage.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is a technology that will simplify this process. Cloud computing is a system by which all of this services are built-in into your computer by a web-based program. How it simplifies the process is, it removes the hassles of installation, licenses and configuration. And simplicity is not just the only factor, but it is cost-effective too, because the same system can be used on multiple computers at once. What Cloud Computing does is, it rules out the concept of application software altogether as there is no need for version upgrades or license management on individual client computing devices. And since all of the data can be remotely stored external storage devices like CD or Flash Drives will be redundant.

So How Does Cloud Computing Work?

A person who will be using the Cloud Computing Technology, let’s call them Cloud Users. The Cloud User will need a device like computer, laptop, or a tablet and a connection to the Internet. The cloud user will login to a cloud provided by their service provider or by their company. Just like the current function the output of all processes can be observed on the monitor or the display of the user’s device. The cloud services are internet based can you can easily access them on your current Windows or Macintosh or Linux system. A person is billed according his usage.

Cloud computing has made a paradigm shift in the use of computers and data storage. Many major companies are adopting the technology and many big players are tilting in its favour. It does seem like Cloud Computing is the technology of the future.


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